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Carina DeSoleil - the dancing Diva

Who is Carina DeSoleil?

Carina de Soleil is the dancing queen of Cabaret Moulin. She sweeps throughout the stage like a fresh breath of air and performs red-hot choreography after another. There is a reason why she is called the dancing queen and showartist. Carina is a hot blonde who has found her right element in the center of the headlights. Her trademark is lively dance numbers with a large dose of glitter and glamor in which she combines with great enthusiasm, joy and energy. 


From Gaga to Beyonce

This multifaceted entertainer knows how to get the attention of the audience with her sense of rhythm within the dancing art and the timing within the theatrical part of the show. You can expect to see her perform everything from Lady Gaga to Beyonce, or why not, maybe some Eastern magic dance act from the Far East. With her stylishness and extreme lip sync, she really does complete Cabaret Moulin.  


All hail the queen!



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